Sunday, July 31, 2011

The first couple days (Kelsey's perspective...)

The plane trip to Japan, for me, was spectacular. I've always loved flying, and double-digit hours of flying is an experience I don't often have the opportunity to enjoy. Plus oodles of free movies! Yay!

Once in Japan our very first meal provided me with the phrase that would serve to describe all my meals in Japan: "I have no idea what it is I'm putting in my mouth, but it tastes fabulous!"

Of course, not knowing what you're ordering can also lead to some other issues, as Steve discovered when he ordered a bowl of ramen literally larger than his head. This is the photo evidence, but I'm afraid this shot does not do justice to the sheer gargantuan-ness of this particular bowl of ramen (don't forget you can click on these photos to make them larger and view all the gory details!).

Once we settled into our hotel for our first night in Japan, we had the opportunity to acquaint ourselves with a few important items. First, Japanese money. Something we would all spend a good deal of time frantically shuffling through as we tried to provide correct change during various interactions, already complicated by the language barrier (did I just tip the cab driver three times the fare? Ah well - he was really nice.)

Then of course there are the various exciting moments in "The honorable motion place" (literal translation for some versions of "bathroom" if you're female). Many of the toilet options were lost on me (some of the control panels suggested the seated party ought to have had an engineering background), but as a former resident of Minnesota I had some serious appreciation for the heated seats. Quite lovely. Sadly, did not fit in my carry-on for the ride home.

The next morning had us on a exceedingly clean and comfortable train zipping at astounding speeds towards Kyoto. A few shots of our lovely group on the way (please note the footrests, placed to provide extreme comfort for a vertically challenged soul such as myself! yay!)

Aww...who is that lovely traveling companion??

Yep - a merry band of travelers indeed. More to come...

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Kelsey finally posts something!

So, after approximately eighty billion years, I'm finally getting started on the blog posting! (And there was much rejoicing!)

Today's will be quite short, but future posts are anticipated to be quite long-winded, so please do not despair, those who love the long and rambley post, complete with photos galore.

But first, a very sincere and heartfelt thank you to all my fellow travelers from the Japan trip. You were truly a delightful bunch, and I felt extremely blessed to have the opportunity to travel to such an amazing location with such excellent traveling companions. Thank you truly.

(More on that later)

But for now, just one photo to set the scene (and remember you can always click on the photos to see the BIG version)...